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Seat Guru That's Right!
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THE ABOVE was my initial thought for this enty.
NEXT, I thought of this:
Wanna know a cool little unknown fact?
Some seats on airplanes are more comfortable than others.
It's true...
THEN, I came up with this approach:
Dear friends, let me ask you -
Do you fly much?
Have you ever reluctantly spent 7.50 US in the US for a bottle of domestic Shiner Bock Beer labled as an import?
Is 4.50 US too much for a Vente coffee of the day?
What if I told you there was a guaranteed way to assist you in...
FINALLY, I realized that all I needed to do was throw this out there and see what happens. Because after all, an idea won't work until you do.
The best part is that Good Karma always increases your odds of actually scoring the most comfortable seat.
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