I'm in the process of scanning my old concert tickets and I've scanned about 100 so far, in no particular order, as a set over at my flikr site:
Migwell's Concert Tickets.
In general, 1977 was a great year for albums, probably my favorite year. I was a sophomore at Madison High School and had a weekend gig at Northern Hills Golf Course and so I had a little cash for music and concerts.
The above ticket is from my first Rush show that was in support of their 5th studio album, A Farewell To Kings. The album would become Rush's first US Gold selling album going Gold in almost two months of its release and eventually Platinum.
The more I think about it the more I realize how lucky I was to have such awesome bands and great music providing the soundtrack to my life. A few of these albums* from 1977 truly changed my life.
Cat Scratch Fever from the Nuge, *AC/DC - Let There Be Rock, UFO Lights Out, Meatloaf’s Bat Out Of Hell, Live at the El Mocambo from April Wine, Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors, The Ramones Rocket To Russia, Jackson Browne’s Running On Empty, Elvis Costellos’ My Aim Is True! Plus the first Clash album, Jimmy Buffett’s Changes In Latitude (with Margaritaville), *Steely Dan’s Aja, *Even in the Quietest Moments from Supertramp, the Grand Illusion from Styx, *Point of No Return from Kansas, Sin After Sin by Judas Priest, Billy Joel’s The Stranger, Kraftwerk’s Trans Europe Express and last but not least *Tom Petty & the Heart Breakers first lp!
I was lucky enough to see all of the above live excluding Meatloaf, Supertramp and Kraftwerk.
Let There Be Rock indeed.
That's Right,HMK