Nice. In a climate where budgets are being tightened and making every penny count is the law of the land, it seems the time is finally ripe for the truly inventive and creative to step up and make things happen. The days of overpaid, lackluster advertising agencies churning out nebulous, concept-free fluff are coming to an end.
The idea is back! Case in point - check out this awesome sign in front of this UK flower shop: "We're famous, find us on Google Maps".
What I really appreciate about this nice little piece of genius gorilla marketing is not just the brilliant use of Google maps and the fact that it's wicked simple and will work for just about any store or business, but I'm betting this is the brainchild of one smart and resourceful individual that's simply paying attention and not the result of a group of miserable ad hacks sitting around in a stuffy and uninspired conference room flipping through the latest CA annual during, yet another, forced "brainstorming" session.
Viva la Concept!
That's Right,
Thanks to One Floor Up.