The good folks at Advertising Age have an awesome piece of advice for all the professionals out there:
Stop being hired by clients and start hiring them. Stop waiting to receive an RFP or mailing hundreds of clients four to six times a year to stay “top of mind.” Instead, pick the folks you really want to work with, regardless of how big they are or what agency they currently work with.As Sophia Lucero aptly puts it "This is just another facet of what seems to be terribly wrong with business, which shapes our cynicism and despair over what we are getting paid to do. I hope that for you, it started out as a job you would have loved to do for free."
Don't Just Sit Around Waiting for Opportunity to Knock.That's Right,
Muchas Gracias to
Tom Martin at Ad Age and
Sophia Lucero over at Wisdump and
Lisa Yarost for the cool bingo shot.