Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Repost: Real or Fake App

It's been just over 2 years since I shared the first of a handful of Apps I've been working on with my team at CreekFrog, available, of course, at the iTunes Store!

Dig the ultimate party ice breaker:: Real or Fake? Truth Detective!

Hawaii 5-0 - Genius or Lame? The truth - Genius!

Customize your test and share the truth!

Here's an excerpt from the official press release:

"To create a unique visual experience for “Real or Fake? Truth Detective,” CreekFrog collaborated with artist H. Michael Karshis, whose iconic iPod speaker art has been featured in Leander Kahney's Cult of iPod book."

I designed and created the industrial front-end look and feel along with streamlining the original concept.

Totally customizable, Real or Fake is really a sweet little social/party App that truly gets better the more you play and share. It's truly the perfect ice breaker!

Shit or Shinola?

Beatles or Stones?

Boxers or Briefs, Natural or Bottled, you get the idea - check it out, have fun and remember: Nothing Is Real Until It Is Shared!

That's Right,


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Alarm Dock

Jonas Damon has added two new pieces to his analog collection, dig the new Analog Radio and Alarm Dock.

That's Right,