Having a nice quiet Sunday afternoon after a long walk with the dogs and enjoying a few of the beers leftover from Friday night's little Tiki bash.. Just finished listening to a cool segment on NPR about paring wine with music.
Here's a little excerpt:
The Doors may seem like an unusual musical choice for a wine bar. If Cabernet dominates the tasting list, however, the sommelier would do well to play some of the group's angriest songs — at least according to a theory espoused by vintner Clark Smith.
Smith, co-founder of the R.H. Phillips Vineyard and senior enologist at Vinovation, a wine consultation firm, proposes that a wine's taste is dramatically impacted by the music that accompanies it.
Cabernet Sauvignon, for example, is best when paired with "music of darkness" — thanks to the ability of rage-filled songs to smooth out similarly aggressive tannins, Smith's theory holds. An idyllic Mozart composition, on the other hand, works in reverse, potentially ruining a good Cab.
Check out the rest and listen to the piece over here: National Public Radio.
Sounds interesting and I can't wait to test the theory. As for right now, I know for sure that this song goes great with just about any ice cold beer...
That's Right,