Somewhere in my files I've got a business card given to me by Mr. Butch, the self proclaimed Mayor of Kenmore Square in Boston. He's the only homeless person I've ever met that had his own business cards.
‘Mr. Butch,’’ whose name was Harold Madison Jr., died July 11th of injuries from an early morning crash when the motor scooter he was driving hit a pole, friends and family said.
Back in 1989 I'd see Mr. Butch almost every other day on my way to work on Lansdowne Street and I'd get his nod of appreciation whenever I'd give him some change.
Mr. Butch wasn't the kind of homeless person you really felt sorry for. He had this cool, positive aura about him where you never felt threatened or unsafe around him and it was like he actually knew that deep down, he was always going to be ok.
Although yeah, he was a little wacky, kind of like the crazy musician types you meet in used music stores, but he was probably the last bit of any real soul left in Kenmore Square and I'm sad to hear of his passing.
Always quick with a smile, he never bothered you or begged for money. Mr. Butch was simply a cool human being and truly memorable part of my Boston experience.
A bit more here:
Mr. Butch. And thanks to my bud Mr. X, here are a few shots courtesy of Nicole Tammaro of the:
Mr. Butch Memorial Service. Happy Trails Mr. Butch!
That's Right,