A recent study published in "Personality and Individual Differences" claims that conservatives are less creative than liberals.
The creativity of 422 American college students was measured with questionnaires and exercises such as drawing and photo essays. The findings appear in an article by Stephen J. Dollinger and cites many previous suspicions for the same conclusions-here are three of them from G.D. Wilson:
First, individuals who are threatened by uncertainty may be disposed to focus on lower order needs to increase their safety and security.
Second, conformity to what is conventionally accepted focuses the individual on traditions (what is old), whereas all definitions of creativity include a focus on what is new.
Third, the authoritarian and anti-hedonistic elements of the construct would lead conservatives to devalue imagination.Devalue the imagination?! Maybe that's why our clients hesitate when we ask them to join us outside of the box. And then again, isn't their hesitation a part of what drives creativity in the first place?
In my experience, the extent of ones creativity is almost always in direct proportion to their personality or lack there of. The more outgoing, curious and passionate one is about life in general the more interesting, creative and comfortable they seem.
It's really a matter of self confidence and self esteem. When you're confident and comfortable with yourself and your capabilities, you're less likely to feel threatened or be insecure about sharing your thoughts and ideas.
But be careful. This can be dangerous. Especially when the
higher ups feel threatened by your creativity and self confidence. Once they realize that you in fact have true talent and question their half ass attempt at being creative, your days are numbered.
But, when you really think about it, they're the real losers. Because life must really suck when, after they've spent their lives faking it, living the lie and convincing everyone that they're something they're not, only to find themselves in a position where they actually have to perform and there's no one to blame but themselves when they eventually and inevidably fail.
Then what are they going to do, fire themselves?
Anyway, unfortunately, the entire article is not yet available online. But the abstract is
here, and if you want more you'll have to take it up with your local librarian.
That's Right,
Thanks to Xanthe Matychak over at
Core 77