Just in case you missed it, here's the Flagg Creek Inn James and I finished a month or so ago.
If you get a chance stop by the site for a visit. And more importantly - go visit Flag Creek Inn!
And dudes, I personally invite you to checkout our favorite 3 Day Weekend Spot and dig for yourself the tranquiility that can only be derived from floating in the pool on a perfect summer night watching a meteor shower with the kids, a couple of friends and a glass of your favorite..
Yeah, it's like that y'all.
Flag Creek Inn
That's Right,
And thanks to Flagg Creek Inn owners Chris McDaniel and his wife Kelly for sharing and making us feel right at home.
This is quite possibly the first official and true collaboration featuring my dear friend Mr. James Lewis on the keyboard.
A HMKJ12 Not2Shabby©FlashThang? Perhaps. Perhaps Not.
Stay Tuned.