I think this is like, totally, the most killer Friday post to date in the 2.5 year history of this here That's Right blog!
Head first, attention to detail freak and student Jarratt Moody is taking a class that probably didn't even exist when I started this blog. I would have been soooo all over this class had it been offered in my prehistoric (technology wise) 1988 stat camera days up at Mass Art in Boston.
The class is called: Time-based Typography I at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and Jarratt recently finished up a really nice piece for the first project in the class. The basic idea of the project is to take a piece of audio from wherever (movie, song, poetry reading, answering machine) and then represent that audio on screen using only typography.
Jarratt chose a famous bit of dialogue from Pulp Fiction as his subject matter. The resulting piece is amazing and must be seen as soon as you find time in your oh so busy schedule.
So? What are you waiting for?
Oh, and there' some F-Bomb dropping, so either mind the volume or use your headphones.
Dig it! Intonation.
That's Right,
Big thanks to Justin over at Motion Grapher.