I'm totally digging the wicked cool and customizable Photo Flip Clock! This sweet new iPhone app is from Larva Labs, the same smart creative folks that brought us the Flip Clock for the iPhone/Touch.
The only bummer is they beat me to the iPhone with basically the same idea as my HMK Perpetually Dayzed Calendar.
But Hot-Dang! I truly gotta say - they did one heck of a fine job, it's a very intuitive app and also, well, thanks! This really puts a fire under my butt to get jumping on some of my other iPhone ideas before some other genius beats me to it!
I hope they make a boatload for Christmas!
Meanwhile, back in the Tiki Room... I shot this this morning at exactly 10:53 on Friday, November 6th using a few of the cards I developed for my HMK Perpetually Dayzed Calendar available at Esty. Think of it as the tangible version of the app... And hey, it really makes great gift for all the hip retro loving kids on your list!
Get The Calendar: HMK Perpetually Dayzed Calendar
Get The App: Photo Flip Clock
That's Right,