A bit of advice and reflection (with the slight tinge of gripe) this morning.
If you're lucky, you'll have some lead time before you make that big entreprenurial leap. And if you're not so lucky, consider yourself blessed.
Either way, keep in mind that this is the "Next Time" you've been waiting for.
Do yourself a favor and consider these five pieces of advice, especially the second part of step one.
Step 1: Do Something You Love and Do It With Someone You Trust.
Step 2: Do Something You Understand.
Step 3: Start With The End In Mind.
Step 4: Protect Your Ideas, Invest In An Expert.
Step 5: Be Ready For The Unexpected.
It's been 9 months since February 14th, the day I was let go by the advertising agency that bought out our small 5 person design studio to serve as their creative department. Since then I've been officially and happily on my own working as an independent designer and branding consultant.
Initially, getting canned was as scary as it was exhilarating. The creative director I lobbied to bring on board had been threatening to fire me since October when he hired his former partner. (who's first day just happened to be my birthday). Anything but the perfect environment for creativity.
Nice. Thanks man.
As Oscar Wilde once said: Beware of people who know the price of everything and the value nothing.
Thankfully, the above learning experience brought to mind all of my good fortune I've had over the past 17+ years as a creative professional. I've been both blessed and lucky to be surrounded by people I like, trust and respect. And now, back in the world of truth, honesty and true friends I really couldn't be happier!
Sadly, yet predictably, on the downer side - over the course of the past few months everyone from our former studio, TG&O, was also let go.
Thus, fulfilling the vision and master plan of the charming and friendly creative director. That's right - Mr. Personality, the brilliant, award winning, always accessible creative genius, the man who never ceases to remind us all that he is, as it says on his 80's era business card, (the one with the inverted "i" in the logo that makes an exclamation point - genius!), he's not only your boss, he's the creative director, Your Creative Director!
The great news is that everyone that was fired is now in a better place - both physically and mentally. Thanks to our temporarily undervalued talents and skills, we've all landed on our feet and are busy working other gigs and continue to work with each other thanks to one thing - the one big thing that the egocentric NTAC wannabes that deem all their hired help as disposable and expendable will never understand, and that's the true value and importance of: Relationships.
That's Right - Relationships.
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