Sunday, February 28, 2010

Elding Oscarson Wallpaper

Designed by Elding Oscarson for Oktavilla, this genius wallpaper concept of bundled and stacked magazines is a perfect solution for a research driven design studio interior.

Thanks to Dornob.

That's Right,


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Miller Goodman Rubberwood Blocks

Me want: ShapeMaker!

Muchas gracias to the smart folks over at Thinking For A Living, a great new design site that's really worth checking out.

That's Right,


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Steve Jobs!

Steve Jobs turns 55 today. If you think you know Steve Jobs, think again!

Do youself a favor and check out his Stanford Commencement Address delivered on June 12, 2005, just a year after being treated for cancer.

Not bad for a college drop out!

That's Right,


Monday, February 22, 2010

ICA Poster

Really digging the design and execution of this poster for the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston from Lubbock, Texas design team f2, AKA Dirk and Carol Fowler.

Check out more of thier great work: f2 Design.

That's Right,


Sunday, February 21, 2010


Looking for some really sweet, modern, eco-friendly American made furninshing? Of course you are.

Well then, Dig: Shiner

That's Right,


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Aspiral Clocks

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...

The Aspiral Clock is pretty simple and totally genius. Instead of a dial, a spiral and instead of hands, a ball.

Designed and produced in London by Will Aspinall and Niel Lambeth, the face of the Aspiral Clock turns slowly over a twelve hour period while a ball rests on the spiral ledge. As the clock reaches the final twelfth hour the ball drops through a hole and the twelve hour process begins again.


Aspiral Clocks

That's Right,


Friday, February 12, 2010

Straight From The Heart

Swirl.HMK.Straight From The Heart

Straight From The Heart: A Valentine of Sorts from your friends at Swirl. A finely tuned Mystery Stream via iF: Irregular Frequency Network.

If you're celebrating Valentines Day you might dig the latest Mystery Stream podcast I just finished for my talented buds at Swirl, Parrish Ticer and Carlos Zapata.

Click hear: Straight From The Heart

Enjoy your flight.

That's Right,


Saturday, February 06, 2010

Your iPhone Will Dig This

Ok, this is what I'm talking about! The genius folks at Zagg have just released the perfect portable USB charger and travel companion, The Zagg Sparq.

Sure, the 2 USB ports are sweet and handy but the real deal sealer is the built-in, 6000 mAh battery enabling you to charge your iPhone up to 4 times without having to plug into the wall! And another more cool thing - the The Zagg Sparq recharges when plugged in, all while charging 2 USB devices.

Pretty dang cool.

That's Right,


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Train Of Thought: Mystery Stream Episode 118

This planet just lost one of it's best inhabitants. RIP Randy "The Rib King" Goss - miss you already, I love you man!

Train Of Thought Mystery Stream Podcast

Click Hear: if: Mystery Stream Episode 118: Train Of Though Derailed

Subscribe Gratis to the HMK Mystery Stream in iTunes: HMK Mystery Streams or check out the HMK Mystery Stream Archives for more info.

Long Live The Rib King! Get it all over ya and make it louder!

That's Right,


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Art of Philip K. Dick Covers

Thanks to the children of Philip K. Dick, world-famous science-fiction writer and creator of futuristic worlds such as Blade Runner (based on Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) and Total Recall (based on We Can Remember It for You Wholesale), we've got an amazingly comprehensive site dedicated to his life work of futuristic novels, stories, and essays.

Check out the amazingly varied interpretations of his novels via this ever growing collection of over 650 PKD book covers contributed from fans around the world.

That's Right,


Thanks to good folks over at Design Observer.

Monday, February 01, 2010

World Wide Bakery: Calendar 2010

Nice promo for the World Wide Bakery - a calendar for 2010 via Agency: Futura2/2, Skopje, Macedonia.

That's Right,


Thanks to the smart folks at Inspire Me Now.